As some of you may have continued to notice, there are more changes here at First, the header is now changed to a three part design with the site’s button-style logo on the far left, a set picture of the steps leading up the path at my Mom’s house in the middle as well as a graphical representation of the site’s name, and an advertisement in the far right. You’ll notice the “Joe’s Journal at” name has been shortened to just “” Hey, that’s the name of the site – no reason to beat around the bush, right?
I’ve also darkened the background on which you are reading right now. For those of you that liked the brighter white background, I’m sorry – it just hurt my eyes too much so I had to change it. Chances are I spend a lot more time on this website that most of the readers so I have to be sure that simply looking at the website doesn’t bother me!
I’m always looking for new ideas, so let me know if you have any thoughts. Right now I think the site is somewhat boring in its approach, but that’s because I’m not currently integrating pictures and other multimedia into the various entries. That should be changing soon. Also, I have some graphics that I’ll be adding to the sidebar sooner or later (for example, the link to my Facebook pictures). I’m debating whether or not to even keep the Google image gallery, so I can’t guarantee that the Google images link will reappear.
Frankly, I wanted to do these revisions to in November, right around the one year anniversary of merging and Joe’s Journal. However, sometimes you just have to act on the momentum in your head and make the changes while you’re motivated!
Again, I’m always open to your thoughts and ideas, so please feel free to send them over.