By far, the worst Christmas song that I’ve ever heard is “The Christmas Shoes” by NewSong. The song is about a little kid who is buying his Mom a new pair of shoes before she dies later on that night.
What the fuck? Are you serious?!?
Someone actually made a song about a little kid buying his Mom shoes before she dies?! Alright, if you’ve heard the song you know it pulls at your heart strings. You know that it’s well-performed and that it has a nice, loving message (I guess).
But let me ask you: Who the hell is going to play this song? It’s bad enough that it’s on the Sirius XM Holiday station, but what is the intended audience for this song? People in a hospital? Hell no! Nobody wants to hear about some woman dying and her son not understanding the whole thing in a hospital.
Are you going to play this at your company Christmas Party? Absolutely not. What about the informal Christmas gathering at your college buddy’s house? Yeah, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and the song about a woman dying and her son being happy that she’s meeting Jesus tonight.
That’s right, folks. One of the song’s lyrics is:
And I want her to look beautiful, If Momma meets Jesus tonight.
How uplifting!!!
So are you going to play this song in your car while you’re driving around doing Christmas shopping? Good Lord no!
When can you play such a depressing song? When you’re sitting in front of the fire at Christmas and you’re alone (again) and you feel like you’ve got nothing left to live for any more. Congratulations, NewSong. You’ve made a Christmas song for manically depressed people who want to shoot themselves!