You know, sometimes I think about waiting a few extra days to post these updates. Why, you ask? Well, if I waited another week to post this update, then instead of saying that I just knocked another thousand bucks off of my student loan debt, I’d be able to say that I knocked another two thousand bucks off instead. That’s right, folks, I’m closing in on the $80 thousand mark in terms of total debt owed, but for now I’m at settled at $82 thousand and looking forward to hitting two big milestones in the next month.

$82 thousand and counting
The second of these milestones will be at some point next month when I hit $80 thousand outstanding. This dollar amount actually marks a double milestone since it’ll mark the $25 thousand balance outstanding in terms of how much that I owe to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (NJHESAA) as well as the $80 thousand balance outstanding for my overall student loans.
Slowly, but surely, I’ll pay these things off.
In May 2006, I graduated from Rutgers University with a Masters Degree and $120,720 in student loan debt. I currently owe $82 thousand, which breaks down to $27 thousand owed to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority and $55 thousand owed to the United States Department of Education. Follow my student loan repayment story on