Have you ever written a check that actually hurt to write? No? Good for you. A few days ago I wrote the check that you’ll see below. Don’t do a double take when you see the check because I will pre-confirm what your eyes will see. Yes, that is a check written in the amount of $10,877.33.
Ahem… that’s ten thousand, eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars and thirty three friggin’ cents!!! Go ahead, take a look at the damn check for yourself:

A Hard Check to Write...
Pretty revolting, huh? Look, I’ve written until my fingers hurt about how much I hate sending this much money to the student loan companies. But this is a good moment and it signals a much better moment that is coming up in the next few days. In the next few days I’m going to log-on to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority’s website and check my online balance. And when I log-on I’m going to see that the very check you see above was received and processed. And then I’ll see that my NJCLASS loan, which initially started at some $51,595.27 in July 2006, is fully repaid.
And then I’ll breathe a sigh of relief and be able to relax for the first time since I started this crazy, extreme repayment plan some twelve months ago.