The other day I was out making a bunch of visits to collect payments and get updates for my website company. While I was out there I was talking to one of my clients about their website and the different options that they had for hosting, bandwidth, photos, etc. You know – basic web client/web developer stuff. [Read more…]
New Year’s Resolutions for 2009
Last year I listed out a gigantic list of resolutions for the new year and while I accomplished most of them, I remember writing the list being an exercise in futility and aggravation. As such, I’m only going to make large generalizations on what I hope the new year brings.
First, like everyone I hope for health, happiness, safety, etc. Blah blah blah – we all get this resolution. So everyone out there be careful and safe and so on and so on…
Financially, I’m in a good spot. A few years ago I tightened my financial belt and it paid off. I’m close to breaking beneath $100,000 in total student loan debt, I have no credit card debt, I have a sufficient safety reserve, and I have a diversified investment portfolio including an ING savings account, CDs, stocks, and my 401k. For someone my age, that’s pretty good. This year, though, I’d like to double my safety reserve since the economy doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better any time soon. I’m also staying in the market.
Honestly, that’s about it for the resolutions. I’m going to go to the doctor this year and get a full physical and I really need to get my eyes checked again because I think I need a new set of lenses. Other than that, I think I’m doing well!
Good luck to all of you in meeting your New Year’s Resolutions!
Happy 2009, Everyone!
Here’s wishing each of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2009! After a financially tumultuous and politically historic 2008, I think we’re all ready to get back to some degree of normalcy. I think this will be a great year for everyone to put themselves “back on track.” You’ll know for sure whether this “track” is financial, physical, emotional, or otherwise. But after the roller coaster ride that was 2008, I think we’re all poised for great success in 2009.
Good luck! 😀