In my constant quest to find high quality journalism, I often find myself reading articles from the New York Times. Granted, I have little to no use for their ultra biased opinion/editorial pages (read an inside view from their former editor) and I sometimes find that bias seeping into their political news. However, their non-political reporting is, in my opinion, among the best on the planet. They also have an army of reporters all over the globe covering all different types of topics. If you’re looking for someone covering the impact of pine needles covering the northern reaches of a certain forest and how it impacts local fauna, chances are that the New York Times has someone covering that topic.
Before I subscribed to the paper (to be clear, I did wind up subscribing to the paper), I came across the fact that their special academic rate… actually costs more than the regular rate! That’s right, if you’re trying to get a discount because you’re an educator, then do not hold your breath because there is no discount offered. In fact, you will pay more for an all-digital subscription (see the chat screen shots below).
What I was not able to cover in the screenshots above is that the weekend subscription at the academic rate, which is the one that I ultimately chose, offers no discount. The rate is the same whether or not you are subscribing as an academic. The only difference is that the academic rate continues beyond the first year of the subscription and, at that point, you wind up paying less than the traditional subscription rates for either the all-digital or any print subscription. But what a horrible marketing approach to offer an academic rate that, for the first year at least, actually charges you more for an all-digital subscription!
Believe me, I want to be outraged by this, but at the same time and as I noted above, I went ahead and got the subscription anyway. I want to give it a shot, especially since their non-political reporting remains among the best on the planet. And for those of you who think that the New York Times makes everyone who reads it an extremist – stop it. I also consume quite a bit of right-leaning media sources as well as an increasing number of high quality independent and nonpartisan sources, so this subscription is just helping to round out my overall media consumption.