As I was cleaning out the pictures on my new HTC Droid Incredible 2 (this is some phone), I thought that I’d post up a picture that was lodged in there of what I’ve been eating for breakfast for the last few weeks. So, here it is:

Berries - the Breakfast of Champions!
That’s right – I’ve been eating berries every morning for breakfast and they’re delicious! That bag is a mixture of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Each week, I go out and buy a carton of each berry and then put them in a big bowl. Then, every morning I grab a small Ziploc bag and fill it with the berry blend. It’s really pretty good.
If I’m working from home one day, I’ll usually take the berries and put them in a bowl and then pour hot, cinnamon oatmeal over the top of them. That’s a meal and a half right there – let me tell you. And, you might notice from the newly placed widget on the side of (scroll down), that I’ve lost a few pounds. No, I’m not on any type of “diet” or anything like that (at all). I’m just eating a little bit less and trying to work out a little bit more – which, of course, is the big “secret” to weight loss.
So there you go – just thought that I’d share.