I graduated from Rutgers today with my Master of the Arts in Public Policy Degree.
I’m a Master.
Pictures will be up later in the week…they’re currently stored in my brand new laptop computer (Graduation gift).
Posted on by Joe
I graduated from Rutgers today with my Master of the Arts in Public Policy Degree.
I’m a Master.
Pictures will be up later in the week…they’re currently stored in my brand new laptop computer (Graduation gift).
Posted on by Joe
I had my last day of class, ever, on Tuesday. It was pretty sweet. I walked out of the school knowing that the next time I walk into it, it’ll be for a pre-Graduation open house.
It’s a great feeling – it’s like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. And another odd thing has happened…I have a ton of free time. It’s weird.
I’m not entirely sure what to do with myself. I’ll probably spend more time building my web design business. Of course, starting June 1st I’ll be working full-time (I’m 90% sure about that) for my current employer.
I also have a lot of random things that I need to get done like transferring most of my control of my fraternity’s alumni club over to one of our new alumni, starting an entirely new workout program (I like to switch it up every once in a while), begin planning for becoming my fraternity’s Province Archon in the fall, READ MORE BOOKS, set up a better internal infrastructure for my small business accounting (that’s a real bitch, let me tell you), etc, etc.
So much to do, so…much time. Ha! I win.
I don’t know why I’m so happy. I’m going back for a doctorate in a few years…
Posted on by Joe
Last night, the brothers of the Delta Beta Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity hosted the opening night of their week-long ACE Project. The opening night featured a speech by Mrs. Patty Spady of the Sam Spady Foundation, who spoke on her daughter’s untimely death due to acute alcohol poisoning in September 2004.
The crowd topped 270 high school and college students and also saw a number of Monmouth University administration and officials present. The event lasted about an hour and a half and drew both laughs and tears through the event. Other speakers included Reza Zedah of the Sam Spady Foundation and the Lighthouse organization as well as Chris Brown, an Eatontown lawyer who focusing on risk management situations.
Overall, the event was a rousing success. Please see the uploaded pictures for a view of how great the night was.
I put this in my blog because every major media outlet in the tri-state area from local Monmouth County papers like The Link, Atlanticville, and The Coaster to regional papers like the Asbury Park Press to bigger outlets like UPN 9 News, NBC 4, and Fox News were all invited. Of the 15+ news outlets that were invited to attend, not one showed up – not even the campus newspaper, radio station, or television station. This is an absolute disgrace.
As fraternity men, we understand that the media loves to highlight the situations that focus on the negative aspects of less than 0.1% of fraternity men in this nation. But when so many news outlets are invited to very large gathering with a positive focus, it shows you what a disgusting media we have today that not 1 person came to cover it.
THIS is why blogs are starting to overtake the conventional media and why the internet is such a great tool to move information around the globe. When the media fails at covering real, good news – the bloggers pick up their slack.
Congratulations to the men of the Delta-Beta Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity on a job well done.
Posted on by Joe
I feel for those kids getting the short end of the stick down at Duke. According to the CNN report that I just watched, at least one of those poor bastards wasn’t even at the house when the strippers were present – yet he still got arrested. Of course there was another report on MSNBC that said this kid was a real dirtbag, but hey – welcome to today’s media! No one quite actually reports what’s going on…they give you their spin on what’s going on!
In any event, I think that it needs to be stated very clearly that whatever went on in that house is not the same thing that you’ll find in other off-campus houses, apartment style dorms, or fraternity houses. It’s obvious that my fraternity and the “fraternal cause” are very important to me, so I don’t want to come off as completely out of it here.
But when I see “commentators” defending whatever took place in that house (let’s just categorize it as a stripper party) by saying, “Well these things happen in fraternity houses all the time,” it makes me sick. To suggest that an accused rape situation is commonplace for fraternities – what type of stupid, bonehead, asshole, moronic statement is that?
Get a fucking clue, idiots.
Posted on by Joe
Longtime ABC New York anchor, Bill Beutel, passed away the other day. The man was quite an accomplished newscaster, but I think that his passing is sad because he was one of the newsmen that I watched when I was a little kid.
Ok, so maybe I didn’t “watch” him, but I remember seeing him on my family television during the nightly newscast! I do remember, though, that he was a nice guy while on camera – which is a lot more than could be said for some of the bozos who are network newsanchors these days. I mean Good Lord – some of the schmucks that I see on the nightly network news shows are just atrocious. And I’m sorry for you folks out in the Midwest, but whenever I’m out that way I can barely stand to watch the damn news because the anchors are so bad.
So rest in peace, Bill Beutel.