Thanks to the Asbury Park Press’ “What taxes are going to be raised?” article from today. The following items were not taxed before, but will now be taxed at 7%:
I don’t know what shipping and handling charged separately means, but it sounds ridiculous. And what a deplorable, despicable human being this Governor Money Bags is that he’s taxing fucking gym memberships and parking spaces. Is he for real? That’s disgusting. And this slimy swine says that he “understands” that these taxes will hurt us in the beginning, but are needed in the long-run? He has no idea what it’s like to be a working class guy trying to live in this state. He’s fucking delusional.
This deplorable asshole also raised business taxes and is raiding the state’s disability trust fund of $50 million. Like that’s not a bait and switch maneuver…
He increased the daily surcharge on rented cars from $2 to $5. Who does that? Who sits in their luxurious Hoboken condo and says, “Hmmm…maybe I’ll raise the car rental surcharge. Yeah! That’s it! Let me raise revenues by imposing an extra surcharge on a service that the state should be disgusted that they’re even taxing anyway…”
And for those of us with SUVs that don’t quite make 19 miles per gallon? Fuck us! That’s right! We get to pay a random one-time fee for having an automobile that isn’t up to Corzine’s gas standards. I wonder how this one-time bait-and-switch fee is going to fix our state’s fiscal problems? It’s not. It’s obvious that it’s not. And it’s obvious that for guys like me – who would love to drive a new hybrid or a more fuel efficient car if we could afford to buy a one – that our goal of even getting a new car will be set back by this ridiculous, deplorable one-time fee.
I said it before and it still holds true – New Jersey has a “deplorable” Governor.