The biggest pain in the ass about Lost is the fact that there are so many questions and so few answers. I don’t know if the writers put the show together that way, I don’t know if I’m just not reading this whole thing the right way, I just don’t know…
What I do know is that if this show doesn’t start giving real, concrete answers soon – I have better things to do on a Wednesday evening. Besides, why sit here and watch an hour-long show when I can just wait for it to come out on DVD or iTunes and not be bothered by go-nowhere episodes?
As for the season opener of Lost, I thought that they did a good job of explaining why the “Others” are on the island in the first place. But if they don’t tell us more about Ben and more about why Juliet had this book of Jack’s life, then there’s no reason to keep on watching the show. I mean we’re still waiting to know what the “monster” is on the island and just exactly what those numbers means (even though the word is that the meaning of those numbers was given away via an online “season” over the last few months).
The problem with Lost is that they are not answering existing questions and bringing resolution to issues; rather they are making us forget about questions by simply putting more questions in front of us that are slightly more intriguing. I will admit that opening Season 3 with the revelation that the Others lived in a quiet little suburbia in the middle of the island was intriguing, but what’s the deal with putting Jack in a shark tank and Kate and Sawyer in cages? I mean come on already – throw us a friggin bone!
In short, this was a good opening episode for Lost. It was very Lost-like in that it didn’t give you what you wanted to know but made you ask a lot more questions than you already were asking.