Happy New Year!
Another year gone by and another set of resolutions to put up on the blog, only to break in a few days! Here’s a look at last year’s resolutions.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that there will be anything earth-shattering in this year’s resolutions. Pretty much the same old stuff that I’ve done year in and year out now, but screw it – let’s go for another round.
Student Loans
The biggest albatross around my neck now and for the foreseeable future will be these wretched student loans. I can’t buy a house, I can’t get a new car – hell, I can’t even get involved in a worthy relationship with nearly $1,000 each month going towards student loans. It’s stifling, really. I set a goal of having these bastards paid off by the time I’m 30, which leaves me just about 4 years to make these payments (it’s totally unrealistic, but you never know). So, no matter how ridiculous it seems, my first resolution of this year is to be free of my smallest loan by next year.
My smallest loan is $7,500. It might not seem like much to pay that particular loan, but remember that I’ll also be paying nearly $800 each month towards my other loans as well as paying another untold amount for rent, gas for the truck, food, cell phone, charitable contributions, etc.
Financial Freedom
During last year’s resolutions, I said:
It’s obvious that I can’t get rid of the cell phone payment, but I have managed to reign in Verizon’s pathetic book-keeping…I actually managed to eliminate my car payment and my credit card payment in the last year [2005]…I also resolved to make better investments and…did open an Orange Savings Account
Financial freedom seems to be the big “thing” for my resolutions this year (as I’m sure you’ve guessed so far). In the last few months I’ve managed to restructure my Verizon contract so I’m not paying nearly $150 per month on my bill any more. I’ve also cut some unnecessary monthly expenses like Triple Advantage credit monitoring.
Usable Web Solutions, LLC
Last year I said:
Some of you may know this, but I’m planning on starting my own business in the coming month or two. One of my resolutions is to make the company successful, even if just on the small scale (which is all I’m planning to focus on, anyway).
Well, I accomplished that mission! My resolution for UWS this year is to grow on success and add at least 50% more revenue to the company’s bottom line.
The Rest
You know the rest. Get in better shape, go to Church more often (even though I’ve been there nearly every Sunday this year and Holy Days), do more in my professional “industry” – same old, same old.
Really, for the New Year all I hope for is that my family and friends stay healthy, happy, and safe. Give me that and it’s worth more than any financial freedom or stronger small business. 🙂