Here we go again. The oil companies have convinced the media and the American public that as summer comes closer, gas prices have to rise. Believe me, I “get” that more people travel in the summer time and that this necessitates a rise in gas prices. That’s obvious.
What I don’t get is how, in the middle of April and now in the beginning of May, prices can be skyrocketing. No families are doing summer traveling yet because the kids are still in school for another two months. College kids aren’t on the roads heading home yet because most places still have 2 weeks of finals and graduation ceremonies yet to come. And the average American worker doesn’t go on vacation until the middle or the end of the summer.
There are no burning oil fields anywhere and no supply chain disruptions anywhere in the world. In fact, we are coming off one of the mildest winters in history where we actually bad a build-up of oil reserves!
So where the fuck do these oil companies get off charging more for gas at the pump? Don’t give me some bullshit about wholesale gas prices rising – that’s a bunch of bullshit. It costs some $3 (THREE DOLLARS) to extract oil from the ground and to refine it so that it can be used in automobiles. Three dollars!
I don’t know about you, but if I see this quarter bringing in another set of record profits for these scumbag bastards, I’m seriously going to look into some type of hybrid vehicle. This is getting ridiculous.