Many of you may have heard the following terms thrown around in the last few years when media pundits discuss America’s newspapers, radios, and cable and network news broadcasts: left-wing media bias, conservative talk radio, liberal slant, right-wing commentators…
America has a serious problem with its media sources and unless the people come together to fight this garbage, we’re in for some bad times. You see, the media has grown to help frame the world-at-large for the public. This is true for all aspects of the world from international wars to local trade to elections and more. Listening to the Democratic and Republican debates on CNN this week and reading the New York Times this morning made something abundantly clear – the upcoming Presidential race is NOT being framed in any meaningful manner by many of America’s media sources.
Example: This morning in the New York Times, a piece ran on the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy currently enforced by the United States military. The piece focused on the two drastically different responses given by the Republican and Democratic candidates. Every Democrat raised his or her hand that they would repeal the current policy and let gays and lesbians serve openly. Every Republican candidate did NOT raise his hand when asked if they would repeal the policy.
From the New York Times:
The issue flared anew because it came up in this week’s debates, not because of any big new campaign initiative on either side. But aside from policy considerations, there is a political rationale for the Democrats’ stance: Gay men and lesbians make up an important part of the Democratic Party’s political and fund-raising base, and voters in general are increasingly tolerant on gay issues related to employment and discrimination, analysts say. While gay marriage remains deeply divisive, allowing openly gay men and lesbians to serve in time of war has a far more centrist appeal, advocates and analysts say.
This newspaper, which is quickly becoming irrelevant on many issues that the majority of Americans care about, managed to pump out a 1,000+ word article on this “issue” which it readily admits is not a major one for this campaign. Well then why did you waste your time and effort on this crap, New York Times? Better yet – why did the idiots at CNN decide to throw this question into their debate when there are MUCH more pressing issues in America today?
What issues are more pressing? How about the fact that FEMA is a bigger disaster than some of the natural disasters it is sent to clean up?! There was not one question in the entire Republican or Democratic debates about how the candidates would have handled the clean-up of a natural disaster the size and scope of Katrina.
But the lunatics at CNN ask about gays in the military? And we’re supposed to believe that they’re not being pressured to ask these ridiculous, completely-out-of-touch with reality questions by far-left extremists? Give me a break.
And the entire issue is one that many homosexuals could care less about. Sure, they’d like to openly serve in the military, but good Lord – they’re serving the country right NOW! You don’t see straight soldiers demanding that they be allowed to define their sexuality. You know why? Because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the job at hand!
CNN making this an issue – and the New York Times covering it – pushes these two once-mighty media establishments deeper into the abyss.