If you thought President Bush’s approval was low as it hovers in the mid-30’s, then you don’t want to even know about the Nancy Pelosi-controlled Congress and their rating. A recent Gallup poll exposed this do-nothing Congress for what it is by showing a public approval rating of just 14%.
I don’t care how much you dislike President Bush or how far to the left you are – you have GOT to be disgusted with that approval rating! The article linked above talks more about the rating, but if I had to opine on why Congress’ rating is so low, I would like straight at the Iraq War and the lack of the Democrats to pull us out of action there.
But you know what? The Democrats did their job on this issue! You see, Americans are brainwashed by the mass media (and to a large degree by the very political extremists who want their votes) to believe that if you elected a new Congress or a new politician, something different will be done.
That is not what public policy “is” in 21st Century America. Sure, I’d like to see the troops come home yesterday and for us to give Iraq to the Iraqis, but it is not the job of the Democratic Congress or the Republican President to make this happen simply because of their election. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Congressional standards can tell you that much.
The Democrats did their job with Iraq and they did it with the stem cell debate. They used their power to push the “people’s” legislative wants and desires. They passed an Iraq bill with a timetable for withdrawal and they passed stem cell funding legislation. Both were vetoed. Folks, that’s the most they can do with their current positions! This isn’t an anarchy where we go bonkers when we don’t get our way!
For the American people to blast the Congress shows that our public’s education on American government is poor at best. I’m not defending the Democratic Congress (and I probably never would), but they certainly don’t deserve the 14% approval rating. Just like President Bush doesn’t deserve his thirty-something rating, either.