For those of you who listen to the Howard Stern show, you’ll recognize the title of this post as Chris Rock’s reaction to learning that Howard Stern was engaged to be married. Hilarious! I felt that the quote was appropriate to verbalize what some of my friends and former classmates will think when I tell them that I just submitted an application to take a course at Monmouth this semester.
They have what looks to be an interesting course in nonprofit fundraising and I’m looking forward to taking it to increase my professional skills. Of course, this has me thinking that with this course and the previous graduate course that I took at Monmouth a few years ago, that puts me 2 courses away from earning a Certificate in Public Relations…but I’ll have those thoughts a little bit later on!
The goal with taking these professional development courses (aside from increasing job-related skills) is to not spend a dime. My company is covering this course so I win this round.