This year’s primary season – short as it may seem – has been a fascinating study in political theater, jockeying for position, and what it takes for a political campaign to succeed in the year 2008. I’ll reserve my comments on some of the fascination with the minutia for a different post, but one of the most eye-opening events is about to take place later today: Rudy Giuliani is going to drop out of the Presidential Race. This is amazing! Here is a guy who wasn’t just #1 in the national polls for almost a year, but was way out in front in most of the state polling for months and months. However, Rudy’s strategy of a national primary campaign has not paid off and he lost his chance at being President.
Whoever decided that strategy for Rudy should be removed from politics, period. Rudy, of course, didn’t help his cause by constantly saying, “blah blah blah 9/11 blah blah New York City blah blah blah.” As someone who is from New York City and still lives in the tri-state area, I can appreciate what he is saying. I wouldn’t expect anyone in Montana, Florida, Maine, Texas, or California to give a crap, though.
Part of me is sad to see Rudy drop out of the race, but another part of me is glad that he’s dropping out because I don’t know if he was truly the best choice for President. On the other hand, I’m extremely glad to see John Edwards drop out of the race.
Many people get on Romney’s case because they feel he is the classic, greasy politician. I feel the same exact way about Edwards. He may be the most ingenuous man that I’ve ever seen on the national political stage. He’s a smarmy, arrogant punk who has no idea what it’s like to live in that “other” America in the year 2008. This guy’s experiences from decades ago when he was living in that other America have almost nothing to do with what the vast majority of Americans face on a daily basis today. Once upon a time, the “other” America was literally children living in cardboard boxes all across the rural South. The Kennedy Family and Lyndon Johnson did more to help those folks than John Edwards could ever hope to do.
To John Edwards, I say good riddance. To Rudy, I say a poor plan and a presentation that left much to be desired did him in.