After thinking about it a little bit more, I have a few more comments about the Giants in general and the SuperBowl last night. My first thought is that I always thought Jeremy Shockey was a bit of a bully to Eli and the rest of the Giants organization. He reminds me of my friends from South Jersey – you love them to death, but they get really fired up and ultra annoying at inappropriate times and during inappropriate situations.
Shockey had a so-so season this year and was injured before the playoffs. Word going around is that the only post-season game he even attended was the SuperBowl last night. And this guy is supposed to be a team player? Please. If you even saw the brief clip they showed of him last night up in his sky box, you saw the disappointment on his face. Of course the guy is going to be disappointed – his team is beating one of the best teams in NFL history and they’re winning the SuperBowl in the process! Yet, I have to believe that some of his disappointed look was attached to knowing how arrogant he had been earlier in the season and in past seasons. Somewhere in his head he had to be under tremendous torture from making Tiki-like comments questioning the team leader.
I hope that he gets his head on straight and becomes the player that he can become.
My other thought is about Tiki Barber. For everyone who has ever played on a sports team with that one guy who acts like he is bigger than the team (or even bigger than the sport), you know what the other Giants must have felt like for the last few seasons. It is absolutely amazing to see how the Giants and Tom Coughlin managed to turn their fortunes around after this egomaniac left the team. Absolutely amazing.
It would be great if other teams that are saddled with such arrogant jerks took a look at themselves in the mirror. Too often it seems that front offices are blinded by the lights of the cameras that follow around the “big star” and they miss the fact that you can put a damper on and entire team’s attitude by allowing one guy to be a prima donna.
I’m glad that Tiki is making omelettes on NBC because the Giants don’t need his crap any more.