Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about opening up another small business. For those of you that don’t know, I am the owner of Usable Web Solutions, LLC which primarily is focused on providing an affordable online presence to small businesses and nonprofits. My mindset was that I really like putting together simple, yet usable websites so why not get paid for it?
Now I’m thinking about putting together a small grant-writing firm that would specialize in writing grants for small and upstart businesses. In my previous job I had success writing grants for specialized designations by public bodies and in the mean time I’ve had some success writing smaller grants for specific programs. When one sits down and really looks at the breadth of grant opportunities that are available to small businesses and nonprofits, it can be mind-boggling.
Another idea that has been going around my head is whether or not to open up a small business and nonprofit consulting firm. This would combine both the website business and the grant writing as well as add a leadership and organizational management component. The biggest problem (as always) is that it is hard to put the right amount of time into such an endeavor when I spend 10 hours per day away from my home office (2 hours driving and 8 at the office). The second biggest “issue” is that I do not want to goof up the position that my website company is in. Usable Web Solutions, LLC has a great client base and I am not willing to compromise this in any way.
But opening up a small grant writing firm? I think I could do that…and enjoy it!