Earlier today I read an article on FOXNews.com entitled, “Green With Envy: Prius Owners Smile as Neighbors Fume.” The purpose of the article was to detail how some of the early adopters to the “green movement” are acting snobbish around their neighbors and friends. However, if you actually read the article, there really aren’t any concrete examples of this going on.
Plus, as someone who works in a twelve person organization where there are two Prius owners, I can tell you that there is no eco-snobbery going on in my office. My company, however, is moving aggressively into the sustainable energy, eco-friendly market. One of the start-ups that we met with last week is an “upcycling” company called TerraCycle. You may have seen their products at Home Depot, Office Depot, Walgreens, or at Wal-Mart or you may have seen their logo stamped on the back of Oreo or Capri Sun packages (among other places). This is a company based out of Trenton, New Jersey and they are doing some of the best adaptive reuse of garbage that I’ve ever seen.
Their legacy product – worm poop – is bottled in pre-used soda bottles. Their spray caps are models that companies like Windex no longer use that would have otherwise wound up in landfills. Their offices are stocked with used goods from tables to chairs to couches (I can vouch for this as I’ve walked through the place). I encourage you to click on the link above (or the one that is now a permanent part of this blog’s sidebar) to learn more about this amazing company! Click here if you want a review of their bathroom cleaner product.
But to get back on topic – I don’t see any eco-snobbery going on in my part of New Jersey. I think this is because in this state we’re all too busy to have our heads up our asses!