For political science junkies, this is the most wonderful time of the year! Or the last four years, to be exact. This week we will be treated to political craziness at its best with the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. I’ve been following the pre-Convocation hype machines on FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC (all emanating from Denver) and it’s been interesting to say the least. Both FOX News and CNN keep asking their Democratic guests about the logic in choosing Senator Joe Biden as Senator Barack Obama’s running mate while the fish at MSNBC keep flopping around like crazy about how great Obama/Biden will be for the country.
Personally, I’m a fan of Biden, but for the wrong reasons. I like the fact that he speaks his mind and seems like a regular guy in terms of telling people to go F themselves. I also like the fact that he isn’t afraid to say, “Person A is a complete moron. Don’t listen to them because they don’t know what they’re talking about!” That’s candor for you!
But as much as I enjoy watching the political conventions (there will be more insanity when the Republican National Convention takes place), I always hate what comes with these events. For example, as I was flipping from CNN to FOX yesterday I caught a bunch of protesters on FOX News chanting, “Fuck FOX News! Fuck FOX News!” This was their response to a FOX reporter who was asking them what they were protesting about and if they could justify their stance. That type of childish, grade school activity is unnecessary and strongly detracts from any “cause” these people are trying to push. I’d rather that these protesters come on and give their best shot at answering the question (which one older man tried to do to no avail – he made no sense).
Anyway, the big story of the week will be how the Clintons interact with the delegates at the convention. Will Senator Hillary Clinton use her speech to focus on her personal accomplishments and the amazing gains that she’s made for women in national politics? It’s likely, but it’s also well-deserved. Will President Bill Clinton continue his lackluster support for Barack Obama or will he come out of the gate swinging for Obama/Biden? I think we’ll see Hillary continue her support for Obama and for Bill to talk about the message of hope and change. Nothing ground-breaking from either of them, though.
But be on the lookout for people going over the edge during the conventions (and I’ll repeat this warning when the Republicans begin their show). You’ll hear more lies, half-truths, and spin during a political convention than almost any other time of the year (the day before Election Day being the exception). So sit back, relax, and enjoy political theater at its best!