This one is too good to let up. I was flipping around the website of a local newspaper in Monmouth County and I came across an article that I had to share with the world. The name of the article? Monmouth University helps to open thrift shop. From the article:
Professor John Buzza has brought the Monmouth University Center for Entrepreneurship and students together with the RedeemHer Organization to open the thrift store. All proceeds from the store will be donated to the nonprofit organization RedeemHer.
Monmouth University students from Buzza’s entrepreneurship class are helping RedeemHer open the thrift store in Neptune, called Second Chances. The students and members of RedeemHer are involved in all aspects of the project, including creating a business plan, decorating, floor plans, sorting through donations, installing walls, public relations, marketing and staffing.
Wait. What? Is this an article that talks about how Monmouth University students are HELPING the community?! You know, from time to time I blog about the bias in the media, but that’s usually at a national level. There is also a bias in local media that is inherently anti-college student – but I’m sure you can understand why, right? Why would a newspaper – which is a dying breed to begin with – write articles that are pro-college students when the vast majority of those people living around college areas don’t like the off-campus population? It only makes sense that newspapers would be anti-college students, right?
Anyway, I’m glad that the Atlanticville has stepped out of the bunch and printed an article that praises some of the noteworthy work being completed by this particular class. This sounds like a good nonprofit organization and I’m sure that the students are getting one heck of an education by helping to build the business. Very impressive work on behalf of Monmouth University and a good article by the Atlanticville.
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