At this point, Chris Matthews’ piss poor performance as a moderator in the MSNBC Republican debate has been widely blogged about. No reason to go into detail about it all over again. But man, for all of the good that CNN has done in the last few years to rebuild their once invincible brand, Wolf Blitzer may have ripped up in his sub-par performance as tonight’s Republican debate moderator.
I might surprise a few of you here, but I don’t think that he was bad tonight because he kept interrupting the candidates and asking obviously biased questions (which he did and I think it hurt him as a news persona), on the contrary – I think he stunk the place up because he didn’t have control of the stage! He let the Republican candidates go on and on past their time and it was just bad. Bad to watch on television, bad to listen to, just bad.
The Republicans themselves did a good job answering the questions, but if anyone with a clear head watched the debate tonight and DID NOT see the extreme liberal bias of many of the questions, then you need to see a head doctor. And listen, I’m not saying that Wolf Blitzer’s Democratic-lean played a card tonight – in fact I think doing so would be a disservice to the many fine Democrats who are out there.
I’m not sure how many of the questions that Blitzer asked were piped in through his ear piece from some person-on-high, but when you constantly ask the candidates to tear apart their competition on the stage you just look bad as a news organization. It’s well known that the vast majority of media outlets – online, in print, and on the tube – lean heavily to the left. In fact, so many organization lean to the left that when one presents both sides of the argument, it gets called conservative!
CNN ought to be ashamed of the way they put those questions out there tonight. The Republican candidates did exactly what they should have done – they took each divisive question and immediately brushed it aside to get at the core issue of the question. Very smart on their part.
What a shame that we don’t have news organizations that refrain from asking, “He said she said – what do you say about that?” That is NOT how you ask a fair and balanced question, CNN. You ask, “The issue at hand is this. Some folks believe A and many others (or not many others) believe B. What is your take on this issue and how would you work on the issue as President?”
Is that so fucking hard? Geez…