In Ocean Township, you can have problems like getting mugged in front of your home…
And potentially having your 16 year old daughter getting kidnapped by some scoundrel…
But when the school year starts, this out of control town will put 100% of their time and effort behind going after college kids.
Make sense to anyone? It’s time for Ocean Township to get over its fixation on college students and to focus on the above problems as well as the numerous non-collegiate drug arrests that take place in this town. They may also look into focusing on the fact that during the summer months, New Yorkers stay out in the streets (breaking every noise ordinance in the book) until the wee hours of the morning.
They could also attempt to focus on the non-collegiate underage drinking scandals that rocked Ocean Township time and time again in the spring season.
But no – you watch. The fall semester will start and this town will go ape shit all over again about how college students are ruining their community. Not the predators in their cars going after teenage girls, not the high school kids getting wrecked out of their minds as their parents sit in the other room, not the numerous drug dealers and drug-related activity that takes place in the north and west ends of the town, and not the summer renters who have no respect for those of us who live here year round…none of that means anything when college kids come into town.
It’s disgusting.