Special thanks go out to Leo and his promotional team at STRIDE gum for sending along this information. I’m not sure if any of you have ever heard about this organization, but Major League Gaming (MLG) is North America’s first professional video game league and the only sanctioning body for professional gaming. Sounds interesting, huh?
Anyway, MLG is starting its season tomorrow, April 3rd, by having its first event at the Meadowlands Expo Center. The first event will run from April 3rd – April 5th. By the way, Leo and his team will be the official STRIDE® gum booth at the event and are going to give away free STRIDE gum and STRIDE t-shirts to those who come and visit. Now what’s wrong with getting some free gum and a free t-shirt?! Some of the flavors that they’re giving away include:
-Nonstop Mint
-Always Mandarin
-Sweet Berry
For those of you that can’t come out to the event, feel free to check out the action through the live web stream. For more information on the event or on how to check out the live stream, head over to http://MLGpro.com.