As Bill O’Reilly’s latest offering, Culture Warrior does a few important things. First, it clearly relates the man’s state of mind. To that end, Bill defines what the real war is in America today: the secular progressives vs. the traditionalists. Anyone who has been a member of this society and kept an untainted view on the recent history of our country knows that the Democrat vs. Republican crap that you see on television every night is a bunch of bullshit. Yes, each political party would like to have all of the power of the other party, but that isn’t what is tearing our country apart. Aside from an unbelievably bloated immigration system, what is hurting our country are the people who say that NAMBLA has a right to exist.
I can’t think of a better example of O’Reilly’s culture war proclamation than the NAMBLA case. For those of you that don’t know, NAMBLA stands for National Man Boy Love Association. You don’t want to pass judgment until you know what their purpose is? Okay. Their purpose is to decriminalize rape between older men and young boys. No, not young boys like college kids or high school kids – we’re talking elementary school kids and younger. Yes, a ridiculous organization like this exists!
Now, if you think that these men are completely heinous and should be thrown in prison for engaging in these acts, then you believe in traditional American values. However, if you believe that these pedophilic perverts have a right to engage in their activity as a part of their pursuit of happiness, then you are a secular progressive warrior. My suggestion is to take no shame in either position that you hold because I’ve always believed in saying what you mean and meaning what you say. So if you believe that these rotten scumbags have a right to do what they do, then by all means don’t be a bitch about it. Stand up and proudly proclaim that you believe older men should be able to rape young boys.
And when you do that, don’t be afraid when 99% of the country calls you an asshole and shuns you. It’s only the traditionalist army coming out and finally speaking their minds.
O’Reilly’s book talks about other issues, too. However, if you’ve been a viewer of his television show for the past few years, you know most of the rest of the book. He talks about the very real war on Christmas and how it was won due to common sense, traditional thinking Americans. He talks about the absolutely abhorrent sexual predator case in Vermont where a little girl was raped for 4 years and the rapist was given SIXTY DAYS IN JAIL! Thankfully, the sentence was extended to 3 years, but that’s still not enough – by a long shot.
I think for those of you who watch O’Reilly’s television show, this book will serve to reinforce what you probably already know of his positions on some major issues. What I found interesting in the book was the research put into the people who are the progressive leaders in America and the world. Very interesting stuff which I think everyone would enjoy reading.
The book is well written and a quick, 200-page read. I recommend this book (as I recommend most books) if not for supporting the stance that O’Reilly takes in this culture war, then at least to gain an alternative perspective on today’s world.