Alright – I know that this is a bit late in being posted to the blog, but I’ve been busy! Below you can see a picture of our second take from the local CSA farm (which we actually picked up about two weeks ago). Granted, none of this food actually exists any more since we’ve either eaten it or given it away, but I wanted to share our second take with you folks anyway!
Just like the first week, you’ll see some kale and garlic scapes in there. Also, there was some red leaf lettuce as well as some collard greens and red kale (I think).
I should have taken a picture of what we picked up this past weekend – huge bulbs of organic garlic dominated the take and I’m not sure when we’ll ever actually use all of them. However, it’s better to have this stuff than not, right? Stay tuned – I’m trying to get some CSA take pictures up each week or at least every other week.