Hey teenagers – you can no longer have a gathering at your house in Ocean Township. That’s right, the thrashing of your civil liberties continue in this demented town. Apparently a few kids were having a few drinks and hanging out with each other and they got charged with underage drinking. Okay, so they were drinking underage…which 99% of the kids in the world do!
I’m not sure how this is going to get blamed on college students (because everything in this township is blamed on college students) since it’s the summer and there aren’t any college kids here. However, I’m glad to hear that there were some issues at the April meeting between Ocean Township officials and the parents of the kids who had been previous arrested for underage drinking:
On April 19, officials in town, including police, held a “town meeting” on underaged drinking in the auditorium of Ocean Township High School, which drew about 150 people.
While much of the meeting focused on prevention and education, a heated discussion erupted among parents over whether police had overreacted in their enforcement efforts to combat underaged drinking.
We need MORE heated discussions like this! Good for the parent who told the police that they were overreacting! The local college students have had their civil liberties and constitutional rights trampled in the name of Ocean Township making a few hundred dollars on bogus noise complaint and loitering tickets (that’s right, in Ocean Township they’ll plea bargain you down to “loitering” if you get a noise complaint – loitering INSIDE your own home…).
So why am I glad that the local parents are getting a little pissed off? Because it proves the working theory in the area – that the bulk of the college rentals in Ocean Township have either stopped being rented to college students or have been rented out to less “troublesome” students (girls), resulting in a fundraising gap for the local police. So how are they supposed to make up the difference of lost revenues from the bogus noise complaints? That’s right – go after the existing teenage population as much as you can! Read the article linked above, it’ll detail all of the underage drinking arrests in the last few months.
And if you’re feeling froggy, then maybe you’ll want to read about all of the other problems going on in this town that could be dealt with over the continuing harassment of college students. Enjoy!