Unbelievably, it looks like the law will be followed in Bloomfield, New Jersey.
Township Administrator Louise Palagano explained that as long as Sopranos Production Inc. meets the requirements in Bloomfield’s code for filming crews, the township has no authority to deny the permit.
Holy shit!? You mean someone actually sat down and read Bloomfield’s code? And then followed that code!?? Incredible!
For those of you not from New Jersey, we have a major problem with little fiefdoms in this ridiculously liberal state. Everyone feels like no one should be offended no matter how stupid the charge. To that end, everyone also feels like if they don’t get their way, they can manipulate the local town council to overturn common sense law (like meeting requirements) in order to get what they want.
I’m not sure if that happened in this particular case, but chances are when you hear about a problem or an issue in New Jersey – liberal local activists are the root of that problem and the root of their activism is making sure that everyone is not offended.
Sometimes this state is like a South Park episode.