Thank you all for offering suggestions on a merger between and Joe’s Journal (including online comments, IM comments, and in person). At this point, I think I’m going to move forward with the merger in the near future by making the home of Joe’s Journal. There is quite a bit of behind the scenes work associated with this type of move, so don’t look for anything changing in the next few weeks!
What you can look for in the next few weeks is a new I’ve been working on a redesign for the wrestling website for a little while now and we’ve opted to use the WordPress system on the new site. The WordPress system is the one that this blog,, and uses for its operations. It’s a pretty powerful system with many add-on/plug-in possibilities.
In any event, I’m hoping to have enough of the redesign completed so that the new site can be functional by this coming weekend. The current URL ( has some 10,000+ pages of wrestling information stored in it. Believe it or not, I’ll actually transfer those pages over (one at a time) to the new system over the next year. However, we’re going to start this project with a somewhat blank slate and work from there. I think you’ll enjoy it.
So for the wrestling fans on this blog, keep an eye out for the new For everyone else, I’m glad to continue hearing your thoughts on the blog mergers. And if you’re not interested in commenting on either of those issues…then go away!