Jon Stewart is one of those guys that I really don’t “get” in terms of popularity. He seems to be appealing to my demographic which makes almost no sense to me because I always thought that the people in my demographic tried to stay away from supporting folks who pass off garbage as truth. I don’t know – I just don’t find the guy funny. And I don’t think he offers any relevant political “comedy” whenever he rants about how bad Republicans and conservatives are for the country. In fact, ranting and raving like that not only harms free speech in general, but it attempts to stifle serious debate among the country’s younger population.
Not good.
However, he did mention something the other night on his show that is, by far, the best thing I’ve ever heard him say. Here, take a look for yourself:
Again, I don’t really care for Stewart but he is on point here. What gives with the lack of Ron Paul coverage?! Look, I know that Paul’s campaign goes out of its way to spike the post-debate text message polls and stuff the audience members with their supporters, but that’s the way it is – why deny its existence? In fact, you might argue that Paul is getting the same treatment that the Tea Party received early on in their creation. Remember that? Remember when there were hundreds of thousands of people marching on Washington, DC and the media was like, “Oh? What? No, we don’t know anything about this Tea Party stuff. Are they racists?”
Why is Ron Paul getting that type of treatment? It’s bizarre. In fact, it’s the type of bizarre that makes people wonder about the media – how can every single news outlet deny the man’s existence when he’s clearly a front runner right now? Gah!
I tend to agree with Stewart’s politics more times than not. He is often painted as a far left guy. I think he is pretty reasonable – I’d say he tilts to the left, but I would consider him to be more moderate. Some of the stuff he’s done about Glenn Beck (you can find it on You Tube) and Bernard Goldberg is some of the funniest stuff ever – he’s done the same on Keith Olbermann as well.
However, like you, I don’t find most of his stuff to be funny. A bit over-the-top, if you ask me.
As for Congressman Paul, Sam Donaldson spoke about that issue yesterday morning with guest host Paul Harris on KTRS in St. Louis, among some other political topics. Great 10 or 15 minute discussion –
I’ll have to listen to the discussion at that link – thanks! As for Jon Stewart – I don’t know. I just don’t like him. I don’t get his politics, I don’t get his comments, I don’t get his stances, I don’t get his “you can’t attack me because I’m a comedian” schtick – I just don’t get him at all. He’s like that annoying kid in high school that just runs his mouth and has nothing to back in up either intellectually, physically, socially, or anything.
Frankly, I find him to be a bit creepy. I don’t know. And, for me, it’s not because he leans hard left and attacks the right. I mean, there are people on the right that I find kinda creepy (I never really understood Trent Lott’s appeal or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s success; and Joe Lieberman [independent my ass] freaks me out, too). Same thing on the left (mostly local politicians that creep me out on the left – we have some real winners here in New Jersey).
But that Stewart? I don’t know about him… something ain’t right there.