Folks, sometimes you come across a piece of video that makes you just laugh at people. Since the biased media makes the Tea Party people look like racists, misogynists, lunatics, and crazy people, I thought that I’d show you this video that I saw on one of my buddy’s Facebook accounts the other day. Enjoy!
Talk about a bunch of dummies! Look, I don’t think that the entire crowd down there in Washington, DC over the last weekend were dumb people like you saw in that video. In fact, I know a few kids that went over to that rally and they are among the smartest young men that I’ve seen come through my fraternity. But I thought that this video should be posted to show everyone how easy it is to make a large “rally” out to be a bunch of crazy people and lunatics.
Kudos Joe! Exactly right. BTW I was there and it was actually a mix of people types and party affiliation. To me and many of the attendees it was about saying how badly we are informed in this country by our news providers. Nuff said.
Understood – and good to hear from you again. The reports that I saw online suggested that the crowd was anywhere from a 90/10 Left/Right split to a 99/1 Left/Right split. As always, I’m leery of what I see on the television so I’d go with your report on the event before what the boob tube has to say.
I would say the 90/10 would be closer, but it depends on what you call left right. Many were independents.
Bill O’Reilly on his TV show spliced a montage together depicting the people at the rally as leftist loons. Overall, I liked Jon Stewart’s message about how partisan politics and partisan media pundits are hurting this country. I will also admit that his overall analysis of Fox News is dead on Joe (search “Jon Stewart Bernie Goldberg” on YouTube to watch Stewart’s tribute to Fox News and Mr. Goldberg).
I’m pretty sure the splicing that O’Reilly showed was taken from this video above which was actually taped by Reason.TV and not O’Reilly’s team (I have no idea what Reason.TV is about politically – never been to their site).
I remember the whole back and forth between O’Reilly/Stewart/Goldberg back when it happened last spring. Frankly, I was bored by it all. To begin with, I’ve never found Jon Stewart funny (same with Stephen Colbert). And last spring, I found the interaction between Goldberg and Stewart (through clips on the Daily Show and the O’Reilly Factor) to be a waste of time on both shows. To this guy, the whole thing was a huge bore.