While I have no intention of going as in-depth about my health on this blog as I do with certain aspects of my finances, I thought that I’d mention how last week was a good week for my health. Specifically, my average blood sugar readings were lower last week than they have been in months. In fact, the last time they were as low as I tested last week was during late March/early April.
And that’s good news for controlling and, hopefully, eliminating the Type 2 Diabetes that I carry around. Also, last week was a good week in terms of my weight since I managed to lose about two pounds from the week prior. Again, the lower blood sugar and losing a couple of pounds are both not major huge milestones, but I hope that they are reflections of my attempt to eat less heavy snacks at night and to move around a little bit more during the day (i.e. going for walks around the block during lunch time at the office).
I’ll let you know if there is any more good news as it comes!
And for what it’s worth, I began my blood sugar measurements again on Monday morning and they remained low. 🙂