This will be a short, quick “unnecessary complications” entry. What’s bothering me today is the fact that the townhouse where I rent is controlled by a one zone heating/cooling system. What does that mean or why is it a problem, you ask? In short, it means that the heating and cooling system in this townhouse is controlled by one thermostat panel. That panel is located on the first floor of the townhouse near the rear of the unit – which happens to be near the heating and cooling device. In other words, the cool air tends to stay downstairs telling the thermostat that it’s cooler throughout the entire townhouse than it really is – especially upstairs!
Very frustrating and very annoying. This place needs a lot of things (much better weatherproofing leads the pack), but right now it needs a dual zone heating and cooling system so that we can keep the temperature downstairs at around 75 degrees while we decrease the temperature upstairs to make this place more comfortable.
And while this may not be the type of “unnecessary complications” entry that you’re used to, I’m pissed off that it’s warm in my bedroom. I just took a shower and I’m sweating again already, damn it!
Get a stand up air conditioner for your room, doesn’t need to go in window. Can’t sleep well if it’s too hot.
That sucks, but at least you have the ability to manipulate your heat. In my apartment it tends to get pretty damn hot during the winter when they put the heat on. The only way to turn it down is to open the balcony door. Yup, no thermostat.
We put in a window AC unit in the summer. I went without one once years ago when I was still pretty new to apartment life and let me tell you, never again!
Listen to your mom, invest in an air conditioner. You’ll be so much happier.
Yes, a stand alone air conditioner is probably the best solution. I hope you’ve finally cooled off.