School lunches are a weird thing – either you love them or you hate them. When I was in high school, they had really good cheeseburgers (which probably wasn’t the best thing to be eating in hindsight). But when I read about information like you’ll see below, it makes the taste of that cheeseburger turn really foul.
The message below is what popped up as something that I should share with my friends and family (and online readers) after I signed an online petition. I hope that you’ll take a minute and read through this information and, if you so choose, sign the online petition linked below.
Do you know what’s less safe for our children than fast-food? Their school lunch!
A recent investigation by USA Today found that the meat sold to U.S. school cafeterias faces less testing and lower safety standards than the meat that’s served in most fast-food restaurants — outlets that aren’t otherwise known for their health consciousness and are as cost-conscious as the most passionate deficit hawk.
That’s right: McDonalds, KFC, and Jack in the Box test the ground beef they buy five to 10 times more frequently than the USDA tests beef for U.S. school lunches! And these restaurants have for years refused to buy certain kinds of lower-quality meat and chicken which the USDA continues to accept.
I just signed a petition to ask Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to set better standards for school lunches. I hope you will, too. Please have a look and take action.
Again, I hope that you are moved to some action on this information. All it takes is a few minutes to sign an online petition, if that. I believe that one of the reasons why we are experiencing an epidemic of obesity in this country is because of the foods we are eating. Yes, food quantities are a problem (we eat too much food), but a worse problem is the quality of the food that we are putting into our bodies. When I think about feeding horrible food to our children in school lunchrooms, it makes me pretty angry. Please take a minute to sign that online petition – we have to fight back against industrial agriculture at some point and the school lunchroom might be the perfect place for action.
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