Either I did eat or I almost ate a worm that was in one of the pears from the CSA farm. Damn it! I bit into the pear a little while ago and there was a brown spot so I spit out the piece of pear in my mouth. Then, upon further review of the brown spot, there was a small little thing in there moving around. I couldn’t tell if this was the front end or the back end of a worm, but I knew the damn thing was moving!
I think from now on when I go to eat the pears from the CSA farm I’ll cut them up first!
In other news, one of my roommates made a pear pie with the pears. I suggested that he try to make a pair of pear pies. Since he used four pears for the pie, I told him that if he’s using a pair of pears for the pie then if he tried to make a pair of pear pies each using a pair of pears, it would be the perfect use of the produce.
Sorry…had to.
lol – mom
Glad that you got some enjoyment out of that, Mom!