Watching this healthcare debate going back and forth definitely proves one thing…our government is a mess. And it’s not the “form” of government that we have (a democratic republic) that is a mess, rather it’s the people who are currently in elected positions that don’t understand the nature of our country.
When I see both Republicans and Democrats casting off the concerns of their constituency, it makes me wonder how these people keep their offices. Why are there not more recall elections? Where is the political passion in America that we recently saw in the Iranian reformists, for example? Why are there not mass gatherings in Washington DC demanding that the Republicans in Congress and the Democrats both in the White House and the Congressional leadership begin listening to their constituents?
Look, I know that a minority in this country want both a public option for healthcare and a single payer system, but this country was not set up for the majority to be overwhelmed by the minority. In other words, while we listen to the minority voices and take their views into account, those views should not run this nation. Healthcare does need to be reformed so that more people can receive more coverage. But until our elected officials begin to listen to us, nothing will be accomplished.
Unless a third party rises up with a platform based off of the majority of the population’s concerns…
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