One of the best parts of my job is that I can choose to opt out of my daily commute and work from home on occasion. As it stands, I get one day a week where I work from home (usually Fridays) and once every 6 to 8 weeks I take an additional day one week. It’s a sweet deal.
I opted to work from home today so I could work on a major project that my company is participating in. It’s a huge, multi-million dollar deal that kept my brain to the grindstone for most of the day. I tell you this because I have nothing interesting to put up on the blog today and the reason why is because I’m exhausted from working from home.
Hmmm… A little bit of irony there, right? The fact that I’m exhausted from working, but working from the comfort of my home office? Weird.
More fun and games tomorrow – see you then!
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