Good grief… Just when you can’t believe that we, as a people, could be any stupider, our politicians go and do something like they did today. In case you haven’t heard, earlier today the White House asked a duplicate of Air Force One to fly low over New York City so they could have a good “photo opportunity.” The problem? Well, 9/11 aside – no one in New York City was alerted to the low fly-by! Idiots! And you talk about panic – look at how the good people in New York City reacted when the plane started heading towards them (after the jump).
I supported the Obama administration from Day 1, but stupid acts like this make me rethink whether or not there is any common sense left in the White House. Unbelievable…
Of course, our wonderful friends at CNN and MSLSD probably would never show this type of video… and would probably make light of the fact that Obama made a “small oops” today, followed by a light-hearted joke of some sorts.
This blasts the idea of Republicans using 9/11 as a scare tactic. This is God-awful.
Martin & Justin – You guys both bring up great points. It’s a shame that only FOX News will seriously try to investigate what a blunder this was on behalf of the Obama Administration. And it’s even more upsetting that all of the leftist propaganda suggesting that Republicans were using 9/11 as a scare tactic turned out to be inflated political speech. Invoking 9/11 isn’t a scare tactic because people ARE actually horrified of something like that happening again! All one has to do is watch the videos from the other day to see that this is true.
obama’s first move, lets fly AF1 really low of NYC for a picture!!!!! Talk about your genius!!! Too bad none of the major networks showed this vid!!! Fox is truly the most fair and balanced new channel out there!