President Barack Obama had his first primetime press conference last night. If you watched, I wonder if you saw as interesting an event as I saw… Ha ha ha! Honestly, that press conference would have been off of my television if FOX had its normal Monday night line-up on!
Really, President Obama needs to liven things up a bit. We’re looking for change from him, not the same old boring “what the hell is he talking about?” crap! I will say, though, that it was nice to watch the President of the United States and not have to worry about him saying something that made absolutely no sense. On the other hand, while the rest of country goes crazy over Obama’s speaking style, I really, really hate it. I know that the biased liberal media will never publish a negative thing about his speaking style, but this man relies on “ehhh” and “ihhh” WAY too much when he talks. Go back and listen to the entire speech (if you can stomach it) and try to count how many times he interjects “ehhh” and “ihhh” in a single sentence. It’s alarming.
Again, the alternative could be, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…you can’t fool me twice.” Good grief.
But even as I take my own potshot at President George W. Bush, I have to say that it was a little gross that Obama cited the federal leadership of the last eight years as the reason for the current economic downturn. Look, I agree with the rest of the gang that the folks running the world down in Washington were a little goofed up, but that includes the Democrats, too. Further, the biggest perpetrators of our current problems were the greedy people on Wall Street and the ignorant people on Main Street. The root of this downturn is the devastated housing market. The root of the devastated housing market are people who were buying $500,000 homes when they could only afford $150,000 homes. The side-root of that same problem were the bankers who gave mortgages to people who couldn’t afford their homes!
Ugh…it’s not all about Bush! I had hoped that Obama would bring this country past the Bush derangement syndrome, but after his campaign-style speech last night, I guess that real change hasn’t come…yet.
What are your thoughts Joe about the stimulus and the argument that it will do no good?
While I am very skeptical of this stimulus package (as I was of the bailouts this past fall), I find it alarming that Republicans are voting more for party lines than for the better of our economy (again, I’m not saying the stimulus is better for our economy, but if it were, I don’t think it would matter. Republicans are worried more about pleasing their base and the Rush Limbaugh’s and Sean Hannity’s of the world it seems).
Well, Martin, I think that the stimulus is going to be a disaster. Right before they passed the $700 billion bailout in the fall I wrote that it would be a bust and I was right. You don’t see banks doing more lending (which was the public intent of the bailout). You see executives getting ridiculous payouts and bonuses, taking lavish trips, and buying up other banks.
There is no possible way that our inept, inherently corrupt government can monitor the use of every dollar in this stimulus plan. I don’t care which way the politicians vote – they only vote with the will of the people. I’m more concerned about the bureaucrats who are going to be tasked with watching the flow of dollars.