At some point in the first few weeks of January I bookmarked an article on that bothered me for a few reasons. The article, “Ban Cell Phones While Driving, Safety Council Says,” talks about how the congressionally chartered National Safety Council wants to ban cell phone usage from all drivers while they are driving. I’m sorry, but this is just ridiculous.
I was (and still am) annoyed that we can no longer just put the phone to our ear while driving in New Jersey, but I started using a headset. By the way, the reason why I’m still annoyed by this stupid, overreaching law is because almost every police officer I drive by on the road has a phone jammed into his ear, but the “do as I say, not as I do” thing is topic for a different entry.
Like many other drivers in New Jersey, I started using a headset and driving with the headset on isn’t that bad! However, the Safety Council suggests the following:
Froetscher said the council examined more than 50 scientific studies before reaching its decision. One was a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that estimates 6 percent of vehicle crashes, causing about 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries a year, are attributable to cell phone use. Hands-free cell phones are just as risky as hand held phones, she added.
I’m sorry, but there have got to be additional reasons for these accidents. An it’s time that Americans stop refraining from telling the truth – sometimes you get really, really stupid people behind the wheel of a car and their own stupidity is part of the reason why they get into accidents. If you’re drinking a cup of coffee, flipping through the newspaper, and talking on a cell phone all at the same time, then guess what? You should be focusing on driving! If you’re a young driver who is skittish on the road as it is, then guess what? You shouldn’t be on a cell phone! If you have problems focusing on one or two issues at a time, then guess what? You shouldn’t be on a cell phone!
In the mean time, those people who have mastered multitasking and understand that even if you can manage to do five things at once, YOU SHOULDN’T may eventually be stuck with the inability to use their cell phones while driving. It’s ridiculous that we legislate to the least among us as opposed to asking for some personal responsibility from all among us.
You know once all mobile devices are banned when operating a vehicle, the big government bigwigs are going to go after iPods, radios and CDplayers. Once they see that car accidents haven’t gone down as a result of no one driving and talking on cell phones, the liberal libs will realize that cell phones weren’t the problem, but more so, the distractions. Then, after radio and iPods are banned, and crashes don’t decrease, then passengers are going to be the cause which will result in all of us driving one-man Steven Q. Urkel cars.