The other day I shared my favorite commercial from the holiday season with you all and today I’ll be sharing a documentary that I watched over the Christmas season which is eye-opening and scary at the same time. It’s 30 minutes long, so sit back and relax while you watch this one.
Pretty scary, huh? For more information on this growing debt crisis you can head over to the official movie website or to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation website.
I have two concerns with the documentary and the supporting websites. First, it becomes obvious that the filmmaker has a thing against President Bush and his administration as well as President Ronald Reagan and his trickle-down economics approach to governing the market. Honestly, that’s fine and I don’t really care about those concerns. People will always go after President Reagan since he was the beginning of modern conservatism and I think it’s obvious that President Bush will continue to be castrated in the popular (and independent) media for the rest of our lifetimes.
My second issue, though, is that when you look through the supporting websites there are no concrete examples of how to fix this massive debt problem. Sure, the Peterson Foundation website has a 10 point “what you can do” list, but it boils down to being engaged in local, state, and national government and keeping better financial controls in your personal life. Well, those are things that we should all be doing anyway!
I encourage you to watch the documentary when you have the opportunity. But I wish that there were better examples of how concerned citizens could help to alleviate this problem.
it’s not working
Should be working now – give it another try.