Advertisers go crazy trying to find ways to make consumers remember their products for the all important holiday season. For some, this mania starts as early as the SuperBowl and continues through the summer into the lucrative Christmas season. For this past Christmas season, there was one commercial that I enjoyed and, if I drank soda, I probably would have purchased a Coke because of it. Here it is courtesy of YouTube.
I don’t know what it is about that commercial but I think it’s nice. It has a simple little beat to it and I think I enjoy the Christmas party going on in the background. The lyrics are creative, though cheesy, and the kid singing in the song looks like a bit like a dweeb (turns out his name is John Magaro), but everyone seems to be having a good time. It’s a nice little commercial – good work by Wal-Mart and Coke!
A Joe’s Journal topic of discussing coming off of the commercial — Is it smart for companies/brands to do join commercials (Wal-Mart & Coke) due to the bad economy? Is it effective? Go.
In this case it was effective. Each case would have to be measured by its value to the companies and its potential draw on consumers. For example, you wouldn’t want a commercial to be jointly produced by Trojan condoms and EPT home pregnancy tests. But a commercial from the local grocery store promoting a special display of a certain type of potato chip would be more logical.