As an engaged voter, I always like to take a look at the election results in the small town where I am registered to vote – Mount Arlington, New Jersey. The following election results are from the Roxbury Register (my comments below):
Republican Borough Councilman Bill Doran easily won re-election to the council Tuesday, and first-time Republican Dr. Stephen Sadow will also be joining the council in January.
Both Republicans bested Democrats Robert Silkes and David Karpman in Tuesday’s election.
Doran received 1,052 votes, while Sadow garnered 1,068 votes. Silkes received 920 votes while Karpman received 834 votes.
According to Borough Clerk Linda DeSantis, there were also a total of 513 write-in votes, which were not tabulated Tuesday night because they did not add up to enough to denote a winner. Republicans Steve Lardiere and Christopher Kelley both waged unsuccessful write-in campaigns, posting signs around the borough urging their election to the council.
Sadow will replace Republican KerriAnn Mulligan on the borough’s governing body. Mulligan did not seek re-election to the council.
In the race for U.S. President, Sen. Barack Obama received 1,034 votes while Sen. John McCain received 1,449 votes.
Of about 3,600 registered voters, a total of 2,483 cast votes Tuesday. That’s a voter turnout of about 69 percent.
Nice to see a voter turnout of 69 percent – that’s not bad in America, though I expected it to be higher given that this is a Presidential election year and given the historic race where both a woman and a black man were on opposing tickets. As is usual, Mount Arlington voted decidedly Republican in this year’s elections. I find it interesting that write-in candidates for Borough Council received 513 votes. That’s nothing to scoff at and since the write-in candidates were both Republicans, they certainly helped to close the gap between the Republicans and Democrats in this race. In fact, the Democrats only lost one of the elections by 149 votes – a very impressive vote tally for the Democrats in Mount Arlington.
Anyway, with all of the posts and discussion about the Presidential election I just wanted to comment on the local election, too!
THe write-in’s split the vote allowing the mayor’s cronies to be elected. How anyone with any neural activity could vote for ANYONE the mayor supports is astounding. The man is an idiot, and anyone who votes for his friends is equally stupid. Thanks for contributing to the destruction of MA. MA = Moron Alley
Yet another reason why a strong third party system is needed not just nationally, but locally, too.