Alright you spamming assholes, this one is ridiculous. I received a spam e-mail earlier today that had the subject, “Debt Free Loans.” Are you kidding me? Are you serious?! This is the dumbest thing that I’ve seen all day today, though the day is young. Come on, already!
The very nature of a loan is to create debt! What type of moron tries to sell the public a loan that has no debt attached to it? That’s called free money – or in the business world it’s called a grant. Sure, sometimes the government gives companies 0% interest loans and thus no debt is created, but that’s RARE in the mass consumer market (if it’s even present)!
Just another example of how stupid some segments of the internet have become. Not only are spammers still trying to get you to think that there is some Nigerian lottery ticket with your name on it, but now they’re trying to tell you that you can get a loan and not have to make any payments. Ha! Insanity at it’s finest.
You’re forgetting the worst part. The spammers are only trying this shit because imbeciles are falling for it. Same goes for all of those retarded viruses that have been floating around for years now. Wise up, fuckwits!
That IS the worst part! Who falls for this shit?!