From the “This is the Problem with America Today” files, we have the case of young Jericho Scott. Mr. Scott is a 9-year-old pitcher whose team has been disqualified from playing in their league because Jericho is too good of a pitcher! I shall rephrase…the kid pitches a 40-something per mile fastball and the parents of the opposing players go running bloody murder that their children are frightened to play against him.
Are you serious?
One of the biggest problems that Americans will face in the future is that many of today’s parents are breeding their kids in an “everyone wins” type of atmosphere. From the article linked above:
“The spirit of the league was community, family, well-being, nurturing,” Peter Noble, the league’s attorney, told the Register. “It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted.”
So this league was put together not so young athletes could compete against each other in the sport, but so everyone could participate in a feeling of well-being and nurture each other? What the hell does that even mean?!
What happened to playing in a sports league as a young kid and scratching and clawing your way to victory? If you come up against a kid like Jericho, then you know what? You lose! He’s going to beat you because he’s really good at the game. If you want to beat him then you train to become better at the game and you beat him. The parents in this league obviously see the league as a part-time babysitter for them and they are probably horrified at the thought of having to spend more time and money on the sport if their kid winds up liking the game. Imagine that – your “babysitter league” actually ignites some type of athletic passion in your kid that he or she wants to pursue…the horror!
I hate reading stories like this one. All of my best to young Jericho as he and his family struggle against a bunch of morons up in New Haven.
Reminds me of “The Incredibles” a bit.
Yep…my favorite Disney/Pixar movie, by the way.
Completely ridiculous. What ever happened to sports and competition as a means of building character? You know the same parents whofought so hard to get this kid out of the league are the same people lamenting the sad state of humanity at every turn. Guess what, it’s your own fault, dumbasses.