At my apartment our cable service is provided by Cablevision (which, by the way, is one of the worst companies in terms of customer service ever). As part of our television package (iO Digital), we get a bunch of high definition channels. Those of you in the tri-state area who have Cablevision probably know about the high definition selections in the 700-block of channels. Anyway, the reception that we get on these channels is so-so at best. When there are fast movements on the screen our HD signal becomes blocky, when there is an LCD screen being shown on the show that we’re watching it digitizes the entire picture, etc. It’s just crappy. Thankfully, this stuff only happens in spurts, but it sucks.
I did some research online and it turns out that if your signal entering your home/apartment/building is split too much before it hits your television, then your HD signal will be choppy and crappy. Well, for anyone who knows the dirtbag who used to own this building (my friends from college who read this blog will know who I’m talking about), then they probably know what the problem is with our cable. Our previous landlord was – as many landlords in this area are – a scumbag. He lied, cheated, and stole as much as possible. This applied to everything from rent to security deposits and yes – even to the cable service.
On ONE cable bill he provided “free” cable and internet service to two apartments, an office, a convenience store, a restaurant, and a hair salon. On any given day, there were upwards of 20 people on the internet alone – plus another 15 or so televisions that were hooked up throughout the building. Believe it or not, the signal didn’t suck at the time. However, now that a stronger signal is needed to get a perfect HD picture it appears that the old landlord’s 35+ way split of the service is now getting back at us.
Just some random bitching…
Sorry to hear about your problems with Cablevision I wouldn’t be very happy if that happened to me. I had my share of problems with other cable companies and finally just made the switch over to DISH Network. So glad I did, and now as a current subscriber and employee I get a wonderful selection of HD channels (the most out of all satellite and cable providers) excellent, clear picture quality and HD Free for Life! I don’t pay a penny for my HD channels! Definitely keeps the bill even lower! Just some random info for ya! 🙂 Hope your troubles with Cablevision were just a thing of the past, but I for sure recommend DISH, the best HD ever!