Mercifully, the powers that be at Sirius XM and the Howard Stern Channels have decided to give us a better line-up of programming on Fridays on the Howard 101 channel. Although they will still be replaying the near-unlistened-to (and unlistenable) Mastertape Theatre on Howard 100, there will be live programming on Howard 101 starting at 7am and running through 2pm before Scott Ferrall comes back with a live show from 7pm to 11pm.
The new line-up looks something like this:
- 6AM-7AM: Howard 100 News Week in Review
- 7AM-10AM: Jay Thomas – Live
- 10AM-2PM: Bubba the Love Sponge – Live
- 2PM-3PM: Super Fan replay
- 3PM-7PM: Bubba the Love Sponge – replay of Friday morning show
- 7PM-11PM: Ferrall – Live
It’s somewhat annoying that the Howard Stern Show has not done a Friday Show in a long-time (over a year at this point) and that the “Friday Show” with Gary and John Hein was canceled (stupid decision). These shows brought much-needed and much-wanted live content to the airwaves. This is where part of the disconnect comes in between Howard and his contemporary audience comprised mostly of everyday people. Everyday people work on Fridays and they hate when their daily routine is goofed up…that includes what they listen to on their drive to the office!
Anyway, great move on the part of Sirius XM and the Howard Stern channels.
Joe, did you hear the blow up this morning on Stern? Artie might be off the show because of it.
I heard it, man, it was brutal. I have two thoughts on the whole thing…
First, it’s either radio gold and they have the entire audience fooled so no one gets mad that the show is going to be on vacation for the next TEN days! TEN DAYS! Ugh! Anyway, under this scenario they’ll have the entire satellite radio audience chomping at the bit to hear what the outcome is as soon as their next show starts.
My second thought, though, is that this was brutally real and Artie may be out of a regular gig. Artie gets very weird about money – he’s got that old Italian in him. If this scenario is true then I think Howard owes Artie, Teddy, and his audience a gigantic apology. There was no reason for him to bring Artie’s private business relationship with Teddy on the air. I understand that he likes “reality,” but it’s Artie we’re talking about – he goes crazy about everything. As I was listening to this I heard it building up and I actually started saying out loud, “That’s enough, that’s enough.”
Either way – Artie was the focus of radio gold on Wednesday when he fell asleep on the air!