Thanks to my roommate (and new Wii owner) Dave for pointing out that Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers Brawl recently topped the 1.4 million mark. That means that since March 9th this game has sold about 120 copies per minute. PER MINUTE! Actually, reports that the game has sold almost 1.6 million so far. Wow.
On the game’s release day, Nintendo reported that 874,000 copies were sold. So, for all of you who thought that hardcore gamers couldn’t get behind the Wii because it doesn’t have high definition graphics or because it doesn’t have an unnecessarily large internal hard drive – it looks like you might have been incorrect.
The Next Generation website that I took some of these stats from also noted that the previous Smash Brothers title – Super Smash Brothers Melee – was the highest selling GameCube game with some 7 million titles sold. What’s amazing is that this is now Nintendo’s quickest selling franchise in company history. That means that from back when they were making playing cards 100 years ago in Japan through the handheld revolution of the late 1970’s/early 1980’s up through the home console wars and into the “next generation” of hardware – Super Smash Brothers Brawl has sold more copies quicker than any other game in company history.
Faster that Super Mario Brothers, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Mario Kart, Brain Age, Big Brain Academy…all of them!
Kudos to Nintendo for not only solidifying their spot on top of the video game console wars (and thus knocking off Microsoft and previous king Sony), but for creating a non-high definition franchise that is selling like wildfire. Before I end this post, according to my rudimentary math, Nintendo has already grossed $70 million in sales from this title (1.4 million x $50 per game). Amazing.
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Im telling you, you HAVE to get this game. Its so much fun and addicting as hell (as you have seen) haha
and pluss
then I can battle you over the WIFI and kick your ass!
I’d have to have a functioning Wii in order to get the game, first…