For those of you that don’t know, Nintendo Wii has something called a Virtual Console. This is essentially a purchase and download service where you can buy old games, store them on the Wii, and play them whenever you want. First of all, this is ingenious. Nintendo found a way to charge us $20 – $40 for these games when they first hit the market 10, 15, and 20 years ago. Now they’re charging us $5 – $10 to buy the game again. Brilliant.
But more importantly, the Virtual Console gives a 1980’s Nintendophile like myself the ability to download games that I used to love and play them today. Recently I’ve downloaded the original Legend of Zelda (for both myself and my Mom – she loves this game), Super Mario Brothers 3, Mario Kart 64, the original SimCity, Punch-Out featuring Mr. Dream (apparently Tyson was cut off from the franchise) and Super Mario 64. These games are awesome. I’ve definitely invested (wasted?) a bunch of time playing these games lately.
The best part is that Nintendo releases new games each Monday. Here’s hoping that some old Final Fantasy games get released as well as some more updated SimCity games! And for those of you who have a Wii and haven’t looked at the Virtual Console yet – take a look. For those of you who don’t have a Wii…go out and start looking for one!
your making me want one of these things!