Why is it such a big story that Will Ferrell’s latest movie is a huge bomb? This guy is one of the biggest “no talents” in recent history. How can anyone find a guy funny who plays the same shtick in every movie? All he does is overly exaggerate every few words in each sentence or play the role of someone who is just bewildered at the obvious.
Not only has he not made a good movie since Anchorman (in which HE was so-so at best, but the rest of the crew was alright), but he hasn’t played a new character since he was a cheerleader on Saturday Night Live. Speaking of which, the article linked above makes a good point in that Ferrell hasn’t invited Cheri Oteri to star in one of his movies yet.
Seems like now would be a good time, huh you dummy?
I honestly never understood the fascination with Will Ferrell. I though Anchorman was downright awful, and Blades of Glory was just ok.
He has a new movie coming out this summer, called “Step Brother” I believe. While it looks funny in previews (YouTube.com), it is the same Ferrell character that one has grown to love (or hate).
I watched the Step Brother trailer and it looks like more of the same. Like I said in the e-mail, might as well call it Talladega Nights 2.
This guy is a bum.
Really impressed with this blog joe. I always thought you were a Will Ferrell guy. Im really happy to know that your normal and you can realize how this guy has no talent. Hes absolutely awful and not even funny in the least.
I find nothing that he does funny or amusing. He was good as the cheerleader on Saturday Night Live and that’s about it. He’s halfway decent as Buddy in Elf, but his stupid look and his barely-present acting skills ruin the performance. He’s the worst.
He was really great playing the straight man in the Celebrity Jeopardy skits on SNL. To me that was some of his best work.