When last month’s energy bill passed, there was a provision that called for traditional light bulbs to be phased out over the next 4 to 12 years so that new, compact fluorescent light bulbs can take over the market. As reported in USA Today:
Under the measure, all light bulbs must use 25% to 30% less energy than today’s products by 2012 to 2014. The phase-in will start with 100-watt bulbs in January 2012 and end with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014. By 2020, bulbs must be 70% more efficient.
Compact fluorescent bulbs already meet the 70% efficiency standard. A compact fluorescent costs about $2, vs. about 50 cents for an incandescent.
While an incandescent lasts about seven months, a fluorescent burns six times longer. It also saves about $5 a year in electricity costs, paying for itself in as little as four months, says Steve Nadel, head of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
This looks like a win-win situation for everyone involved. We have a compact fluorescent bulb over our stove in the apartment and it’s been there for a few years. My Mother recently switched over to mostly compact bulbs and they’re working fine at the house and saving a few bucks each month in electricity. It looks like government may have figured something out the right way for once!
I am glad you are on board for the energy savings. We have mostly converted our household over and noticed at least a $20 savings the first month.
What I found to be odd, was the reaction some on the right have had to this. Limbaugh hated the mandate saying it was an intrusion as did Tony Snow on his radio program. What they also cited was the presence of mercury in the bulbs and how they could poison your home. Which is potentially true to an extent but it would take an awful lot of these bulbs to break to create any real threat. But it does concern me with children in the house. Disposal will be an issue down the road as is in the NPR link. I am looking forward to LED lighting when they perfect it.